Mastering Blog Post Submissions A Guide to Building Your Voice


With a virtually saturated world full of content, blog post submissions therefore form one of the most common methods of information sharing, creating awareness, and reaching out to a wider audience. Topics of the blog posts can include the author’s opinions or feelings, professional opinions, or academic research and findings; blogging allows the readers to engage with similar minded people in addition to building credentials.

Understanding Blog Post Submissions

Blog post submissions refer to a process where you submit your written piece to online platforms of your interest. It could be from specific blogs and academic journal websites to more open content web posts. It not only increases your voice but also brings your content in front of a new audience. Submissions are more helpful to the writer, researcher, and any business that is seeking reach.

For instance, SpicyIP has its principle to protect intellectual property rights throughout the world and has guidelines for submitting articles as well. There are certain rules that every member of the forum must adhere to ensure that his/her post is approved.

Key Elements of a Successful Submission

  1. Relevance and Value: Before posting a blog, make sure the content has value and is relevant to the blog section that you are working in. Examples include writing about trends in intellectual property for an IP-focused blog enhances the value of the platform’s readership.
  2. Engaging and Simple Language: It would seem that writing in easy English has more of an impact on the reader. The goal is to write such articles where even a complete novice to the subject can read and comprehend.
  3. Original and Analytical Approach: Among the requirements provided for blog post submissions on tech one cannot negotiate on originality. However, your own blog should not only be unique but it must also be analytical more than being descriptive. It also helps to add a new view, you do not want your post to look like a regular rehash of similar posts you have come across.
  4. Formatting and Hyperlinks: The addition of subheadings ensures that readers can easily find what they are looking for The inclusion of online sources provide further richness to the discussion. Apart from making text more comprehensible, it helps to gain confidence in the material with readers.

Why Consistency Matters

The opportunity to get contacts is available when you regularly write blog posts. In the long run, they assist to build a portfolio of the published work and prove the author’s expertise and diligence. This increases credibility, and thus, receptiveness of an audience, which in turn enhances the chance of people to happen upon your content. Services that give value to frequency to post quality ensure their providers get better exposure.

The Bottom Line 

Blog post submissions are not just for the purpose of getting posted; it is a medium of getting heard and linked. This means that everyday writers who write sensitive, inspired and researched pieces find a wide audience with whom they change in the process, for the better. Thus, choose your subject, adhere to submission procedures, and start writing your blogs, set your creativity free with blogging!