The Adventures of Famous Casino Heists


Casinos have always been associated with elegance, luxury and a wealthy lifestyle. These amenities, coupled with the cash they are exposed to on a daily basis, have at times made them selective for the cruel and the daring. As the years passed, there have been some incredible hi-profile casino robberies which stunned the world. These daring thefts are not only the legends of the incumbent’s avarice, but the stories of cunning and planning, of dangerous and spectacular staking, and sometimes, of pure luck. 

The Stardust Casino Heist 

As for the type of heists, let me introduce one of the most famous inside jobs that took place in 1992 – the Stardust Casino. Out of all the Mitarbeiter, Bill Brennan, a soft-spoken cashier at the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, escaped the scene with more than $500,000 in cash and chips. 

Contrary to the elaborate armed heist planning, Brennan did not lay his hands on any weapons or state of the art equipment, all he did was walk out of the casino with a bag full of money defrauding his employers. Although Bob Brennan was pursued intensely, either he escaped from the country or died and was buried through a fake identity, thus his whereabouts remain unknown to this date. This story is still ranked as one of the best or rather the most well-known heists in the history of casinos

The Bellagio's 'Biker Bandit' 

For example, in 2010 a man named Anthony Carleo was filmed committing an audacious robbery at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Nicknamed the ‘Biker Bandit,’ Carleo came to the casino’s entrance on motorcycle, went inside, and threatened patrons of craps table with a gun. He got away with approximately one dollar. 500 thousand dollars, 5 million in casino chips. 

Carleo’s mistake, however, was that he attempted to sell the high-denomination chips found in the heist online. He was caught while trying to withdraw his stolen wealth as an attempt to ease his suffering. The Bellagio and the ostentatiousness of the heist turned the robbery into one of the most well-known crimes in the gambling business in recent years. 

The Ritz Casino Heist 

In the same year this was discovered, the Ritz Casino in London was a victim of a high-tech technological crime; a laser scanner was also used. Some gamblers employed a laser scanner hidden in a mobile phone to detect the pattern of a wheel in the roulette game. 

This device helped in determining both the speed of wheel and the ball through which the gamblers place the bets to win. Cockney couple: They walked away with over £1. 3 million. Although they were arrested, they are intelligent and lucky to have taken advantage of legal treatment in Britain, later they were set free. This heist taught a lot about how casino robberies had advanced from being mere physical to high-end technical. 

The Bottom Line 

Starting with the film God’s Pocket, moving into Casino Royale, and into The Bank Job respectively, great things often come with great risks, and it’s not out of the ordinary to rely on a bit of luck too. These infamous thefts prove that although casinos are equipped with the best security, digital security is still easy to breach for those who know how. 

Those who wish to know about other similar interesting stories may refer to the Lalabet Casino section for other interesting findings here.